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What is the recommended dosage for EpiCor® postbiotic ?

In the US there are different dose and age recommendations for dietary supplements and food use because of the differences in the US regulatory pathways for foods and supplements. For dietary supplements, a daily consumption of 3,000 mg of EpiCor® postbiotic is acceptable for adults and 500 mg of EpiCor® postbiotic for children over the age of four years old per levels presented in the EpiCor® New Dietary Ingredient Notification NDIN 689. For food products, a dose of 500mg per serving of EpiCor® postbiotic is acceptable for ages two and older, based on the intended use categories evaluated in Generally Recognized as Safe Notice GRN 928 and Cargill’s GRAS self-determination.

In the EU, EpiCor® postbiotic was determined to not be a novel food by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland.

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